Why We Exist

“And you how that you are a letter from Christ delivered by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.”
(2 Corinthians 3: 3 ESV)

It all began with a movie and a God-given passion for spreading encouragement and VICTORY…

After watching, the movie “The Letter Writer” and continually being emotionally touched by those around her, God placed on the heart of Chanelle A. Watson to establish a non profit organization focused on uplifting, encouraging, inspiring, and declaring VICTORY through Jesus Christ throughout her local community and beyond using handwritten letters.

We never truly know what someone is going through, their faces may say one thing when their heart is in need of another, a simple “Hello” can turn a unpleasant day into something to look forward to, so the possibility of what the POWER of a letter could do to change a life is endless.

Letters of Victory will distribute and mail letters written with the purpose of encouraging others through written words. Our focus will be on individuals who we may see while going throughout our daily routines, other non-profit organizations, schools, hospitals, shelters, etc. There are many ways to encourage and help others and we feel that through Letters of Victory people will be inspired and continually uplifted with a tangible letter they can read, reread, and hold on for any moment they feel slightly defeated.